لوجو د.تغريد الحمصي



لا نملك امتيازات من اي شركات، المعلومات للتثقيف الطبي فقط


Some of our services

عملية تجميل الأنف


حقن فيلر مع دكتورة تغريد الحمصي
Botox injection

Botox injection

The injection is performed under local anesthesia of the skin using an ointment

تكبير الثدي Breast augmentation
Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation

It is a surgical procedure performed on women who suffer from functional or cosmetic problems due to breast enlargement or sagging

عمليات تجميلية مع دكتورة تغريد الحمصي
Face and body filler injections

Face and body filler injections

When we get old, the skin loses a large part of its elasticity, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Fillers injections are medical products that contain hyaluronic acid that works to rejuvenate your beauty



Liposuction is a process that uses suction technology to get rid of fat from specific areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, and neck.

Thigh lift
Tighten the buttocks

Tighten the buttocks

Thigh lift surgery is performed in order to improve the shape of the thighs, to form thighs that fit the buttocks and legs.

تعظم الدروز الباكر Craniosynostosis


It is a congenital defect that causes premature closure (fusion) of one or more of the soft joints within the bones of a child’s skull before the child’s brain is fully developed. As the brain continues to grow, this results in a distorted appearance with increased brain pressure.



It is one of the elements in the blood. And it is extracted by drawing a blood sample from the person and adding it to substances that help increase the concentration of platelets in the plasma (platlet rich plasma). All of them are placed in a plasma extraction device (centrifuge) and then injected into several areas.

breast reduction
Breast reduction

Breast reduction

It is a surgical procedure performed on women who suffer from functional or cosmetic problems due to breast enlargement or sagging . Excess fat, tissue, and skin are removed from the breast to match the body shape and improve the ability to lead a normal life and participate in sports and physical activities

Our services include

علاج اثار الندبات والجروح
تجميل الجسم

علاج اثار الندبات والجروح – دكتورة تغريد الحمصي

في عيادة دكتورة تغريد الحمصي، نهتم بتقديم رعاية شاملة ومتخصصة لعلاج اثار الندبات والجروح بأحدث التقنيات والمنتجات الطبية المتطورة. تعتبر الجروح والندبات من المشاكل الجلدية

قراءة المزيد