لوجو د.تغريد الحمصي



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إبر البلازما plasma
It is one of the elements in the blood. And it is extracted by drawing a blood sample from the person and adding it to substances that help increase the concentration of platelets in the plasma (platlet rich plasma). All of them are placed in a plasma extraction device (centrifuge) and then injected into several areas. Several other substances such as hyaluronic acid and biotin can be added to the plasma to treat fine wrinkles or hair.

How it works:

Plasma is injected either using small needles in the skin, or the derma-roll, or the dermapen device. Platelet-rich plasma stimulates collagen and increases skin tone

Before the procedure

Post procedure instructions

Ice the injection site if necessary
You may get some swelling and bruising
Simple massage of the area
Not washing the face for 4 hours
Do not wear make-up or make-up Apply sunscreen Enjoy the result
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