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fat injection

Fat injection

It is a surgery performed under local or general anesthesia in which the plastic surgeon withdraws quantities of fat from certain areas such as the abdomen or thighs, then collects it and injects it in a special way in the areas to be improved. The method of fat withdrawal varies according to the amount to be injected:

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حقن الدهون
تجميل الجسم

حقن الدهون الأنواع والخطوات والنتائج

هو إجراء جراحي يتم تحت التخدير الموضعي أو الكامل يقوم فيه جراح التجميل بسحب كميات من الدهون من مناطق معينة كالبطن او الأفخاذ ثم جمعها وحقنها بطريقة خاصة في المناطق المراد تحسينها ، وطريقة سحب الدهون تختلف حسب الكمية المراد حقنها

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Arm lift
Body plastic Surgery

Arm lift

Arm lift admin فبراير 15, 2023 Body plastic Surgery It is a surgical operation that

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شفط وشد الذراعين
تجميل الجسم

شفط وشد الذراعين الخطوات والنتائج

هي عملية جراحية تتم بغرض التخلص من الدهون الزائدة في الذراعين وشد الجلد المترهل والتخلص من أي زيادات تسبب تشوه مظهر الذراعين.

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تجميل الجفنين Blepharoplasty


This operation aims to remove excess skin in the lower or upper eyelids, or both for cosmetic or organic reasons, and get rid of excess fat around the eye.
This is a plastic or organic procedure that may help improve vision for those who have drooping eyelids.

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breast reduction
Body plastic Surgery

Breast reduction

It is a surgical procedure performed on women who suffer from functional or cosmetic problems due to breast
enlargement or sagging . Excess fat, tissue, and skin are removed from the breast to match the body shape and
improve the ability to lead a normal life and participate in sports and physical activities It requires a visit to
a certified surgeon specializing in plastic surgery, especially in breast operations. The woman’s expectations
must be realistic and accept the presence of surgical scars in the breast area.

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