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Thigh lift

Thigh lift

Body plastic Surgery
Thigh lift
Thigh lift surgery is performed with the aim of improving the shape of the thighs to Create a more aesthetic look in the thighs and buttocks and legs.

Who is a candidate for this procedure?

1. Men and women with loose tissue in the thighs.
2. People who lost a lot of weight.
3. People for whom diet or exercise has not helped in tightening loose skin.

Procedure methods

1. Thigh liposuction using a VASER® device (The appearance of the name of the device in the article is for the necessity of health education and is not considered an advertisement for the manufacturer or distributor, directly or indirectly.
Liposuction is performed through a 1 cm incision and has no significant side effects, effective results, fairly permanent and does not cause any scarring.
2. Thigh lift using J-PLASMA® device (The appearance of the name of the device in the article is for the necessity of health education and is not considered an advertisement for the manufacturer or distributor, directly or indirectly It is the latest plastic technique to tighten sagging skin, and it is an effective treatment used in the case of simple and moderate sagging.
3. Thigh lift using the surgical method. In this process, doctors resort to general anesthesia, and then this stage is followed by a surgical incision whose location, length and shape vary according to what the surgeon deems for the patient’s condition.
حقن الدهون الأنواع والخطوات والنتائج

Surgery day

1. Complete laboratory examinations.
2. Your health should be in good condition without any chronic diseases.
3. You must fast for 8 hours before it.
4. The type of anesthesia used during the surgery (general anesthesia) will be explained.
5. Consult the doctor regarding the medications that the you should stop taking before the operation.
6. The weight should be normal and the mass should not exceed 30%
7. Avoid using aspirin. Anti-inflammatory medications and herbal supplements to control bleeding during surgery.
8. You will receive a full explanation of the operation and the expected scars according to the case, its advantages and complications.
9. Stop using hormones and birth control pills 4 weeks before the operation.
10. Discuss your expectations for body size and shape after the procedure.
11. Stop smoking at least 4 weeks before the operation.

Advantages of a thigh lift surgery

1. It gives noticeable immediate results that cannot be achieved by many non-surgical methods.
2. Improves the look and feel of the skin and helps relieve stretch marks.
3. Helps improve the overall appearance of the body.
4. The results last for a long time if the person follows all the doctor’s instructions before and after the operation.

After the operation

1. Swelling and bruising is expected in the liposuction area, so the compression corset must be worn, and the surgeon may prescribe a sponge layer under the corset if necessary.
2. The surgeon may use fluid draining tubes if necessary
3. A slight degree of pain is expected that can be relieved with analgesics
4. There may be blood-laden fluids coming out of the suction holes: this does not pose any danger and may last for a week.

Postoperative instructions

1. You go home the same day and the procedure rarely requires a hospital stay
2. You may experience pain and swelling that may persist for a few weeks after the surgery.
3. Bruising is also possible. The scars are expected to fade over time, but they will not disappear completely
4. You will be required to wear a pressure garment after surgery for 6 weeks.
5. The surgeon may prescribe any pain killers
6. No need to remove stitches, they dissolve
7. It takes about a week to recover after undergoing this surgery
8. You can return to full exercise 6 weeks after surgery.

When to contact my surgeon after surgery

1. Bleeding.
2. high fever.
3. Feeling of pain that does not go away even with the use of painkillers.
4. feeling weak
5. Change in the color of the fluid in the drain tube.
6. Odor or secretions from the wound.
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