لوجو د.تغريد الحمصي



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Arm lift

Arm lift

Body plastic Surgery
Arm lift
It is a surgical operation that aims to get rid of excess fat in the arms, tighten sagging skin, and get rid of any excess that causes distortion of the appearance of the arms.

Who is the candidate for the operation?

1. People with arms that are disproportionately full with the rest of the body.
2. People who suffer from genetically accumulating fat and diet did not help them
3. People who suffer from sagging skin in Arm area
4. People who lost a large percentage of their body weight in a short time led to sagging arms

1. VASER ® liposuction:

This operation is performed for those who suffer from slight sagging in the skin, so that the doctor drains the excess fat using a vaser device that dissolves the fat, then suctions it, and then tightens the skin. 2. Tighten sagging skin using the J-plasma® device: Those with moderate sagging are subjected to this type of operation, so that the J-plasma ® device is used by using helium gas, which works to tighten the skin after liposuction using the VASER ® device.

3. Surgical tightening of loose skin:

This type is performed for those who suffer from moderate to severe sagging in the arms, where the surgeon chooses the appropriate method for the wound according to the patient’s condition, where the excess skin is removed, the skin is tightened and the incision is sutured surgically using special stitches, then bandages are placed.

Before the operation

1. Full laboratory examinations.
2. Your health should be in good condition without any chronic diseases.
3. You must fast for 8 hours beforehand.
4. The type of anesthesia used during the surgery (general anesthesia) will be explained.
5. Consult the doctor about the medications that you should stop taking before the operation.
6. Your BMI should not exceed 30.
7. Avoid using aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and herbal supplements to control bleeding during surgery.
8. You will receive an explanation of the operation and the expected scars according to the case, its advantages and complications.
9. Stop using hormones and birth control pills for 4 weeks before the operation.
10. Discuss expectations for body size and shape after the operation. 11. stop smoking
1. Following the surgeon’s instructions before and after the operation helps to get the best result
2. Eating unhealthy food Helps the accumulation of fat in different areas and causes body inconsistency
3. Maintaining a constant weight helps maintain the result of the operation
4. The result appears immediately after the operation, but the final result appears after 6 weeks, as the swelling disappears
5. Choosing the right surgeon and the right technique for you is one of the secrets of the success of the operation
شفط وشد الذراعين الخطوات والنتائج

Surgery day

1. This procedure can be done under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia
2. The location and length of the surgical incision varies according to the condition
3. You may go home on the same day of your procedure
After the operation
1. Swelling and bruising are expected in the area of the operation, so the compression garment must be worn
2. The surgeon may use fluid draining tubes if necessary
3. A slight degree of pain is expected that can be relieved with analgesics
4. There may be blood-laden fluids coming out from the places of the suction holes: this does not pose any danger, and it may continue for a week

Postoperative instructions

1. The arms may be stiff and painful for a few days.
2. There is pain similar to that caused by excessive exercise.
3. A compression pressure garment is worn after the operation, which helps reduce swelling and conform the body to its new shape.
5. The compression garment is worn for 6 weeks.
6. Drinking water, as adequate hydration of the body helps speed recovery.
7. Commit to the massage according to the method prescribed by the surgeon.
8. You can return to daily activities a week after the operation.

When to contact my surgeon after surgery

1. Bleeding
2. high temperature
3. The feeling of pain does not go away even with the use of painkillers
4. feeling weak
5. Change in the color of the fluid in the drainpipe
6. An odor or a discharge
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